Levente Kuzma
The city’s founders were its first six members, forming the church just a year after settling the area. Early residents would meet in the log cabin that was the county’s first courthouse, then in a larger wooden building and finally the regal brick structure that towers over downtown...
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Organ v budove Slovenského rozhlasu je dominantou Veľkého koncertného štúdia a patrí k najväčším na Slovensku a v strednej Európe. Myšlienku využiť tento cenný nástroj na pravidelné organové recitály sa podarilo prvý raz...
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Timorgelfest 2018
Levente Kuzma-orga
Orchestra Filharmonici Banatul Timisoara
Radu Zaharia-dirijor
Domul Romano Catolic din Timisoara
Artistic dir.: prof.Felician Rosca